Get Involved
We are a community that takes very seriously Jesus’ call to follow him into ministry.
Holy Innocents’ members volunteer in countless ways through formal and informal programs, in their daily life and work and commitment to our City, and by serving each other with love and warmth. Our outreach and our inreach reflect our Gospel values to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, as we are called in our Baptismal Covenant.

Liturgy is “the work of the people,” and at Holy Innocents, we all participate in the ways that we can. Every job is important, from greeting guests on the sidewalk, to tolling the bell, to participating at the altar as an acolyte. We have many jobs, and many hands to do the work. You can find our online rota and plug yourself into ministries. Need training? Want to learn more? Our Junior Warden can help you find the right role. juniorwarden@holyinsf.org
Opportunities include:
Usher / Greeter
Bell toller
Reader for the lessons
Bidding the Prayers of the People
Working on the tech / av team
Acolytes, thurifers, and EmCee’s
See the rota for weekly opportunities to sign up and show up!
Other volunteer opportunities
There is no shortage of ways to get involved at Holy Innocents. We have committees to staff, money to be counted, gardens to be kept, newsletters that need editing, potlucks to coordinate. What are the skills that you have?
Among the many options are:
Flower Committee
Stewardship Committee
Liturgy Committee
Bishop’s Committee (congregational council)
Finance Committee
Outreach Committee
Building and Grounds
Occasionally we have discernment committees, search committees, and other groups that meet as needed
What ministries would you like to learn more about, propose afresh, or lead? Email our Junior Warden with questions or ideas at juniorwarden@holyinsf.org
Our neighbors are at the center of our ministry and our witness to the world. The four walls of our church serve to strengthen us spiritually and mentally, and our doors are always open to remind us that the real work is with those we meet and seek in our daily lives.
Here are a few of the ministries in which we are engaged this year:
Helping at the Bayview Mission
Hammering with Habitat for Humanity
NERT and Disaster Preparedness work in our neighborhood
Sandwich making for Open Cathedral
Marching in the SF LGBTQ+ Pride Parade
Neighborhood Events
Hallowe’en Block Party and Street Fairs
Serving the Seniors at the Sheffield
Christmas Pageant
Blessing the Animals on St. Francis Sunday
And so many other ways!
Our Outreach Committee chair is Sarah Klapec sklapec@yahoo.com. Please contact her with questions about how to get involved or with new ministry ideas!